You just discovered the best page on the internet. ?

I am Tobi from Germany and this is my blog that I started over three years ago. I called it Megadigitaldream because I had a mega digital dream. ? This dream was to make money on the internet.

Nowadays I can say with luck that I made this dream come true. ? I managed to earn money online.

But the truth is that before I started this blog I already lost a lot of money by investing in make-money-online products or affiliate marketing courses.

This blog exists to document something unique in this industry. Namely the truth. Most people only talk about how successful they are. Look here are my commissions and my wealth look at it. SIGN UP HERE AND YOU WILL MAKE $500 PER DAY.

I can’t be the only one who is sick and tired of these sentences, huh?

Because these headlines and these hypes are the real poison of our online world.

It took me over four years and thousands of wasted dollars to finally realize that.

So my mission on this blog is to show you my story and make it possible that you don’t have to waste those tons of money before you find something worth working for.

Two years ago I finally understood how this business really works and made my first commission online.

Unfortunately, the poison of our online world has come back to haunt me and I have been distracted by the hypes and the headlines and the promises of other make money systems.

Only to have to witness every single time how these hypes, courses, systems disappear right back from the scene.

I realized that in order to be successful you need to be realistic and build your business the proper way. Sometimes studying and understanding a concept first is so much more helpful than jumping into the next course.

That’s why you see on the sidebar the banner about the Affiliate Marketers Playbook. The concepts I learned there helped me to make my first commissions online.

After all this time my focus is now not so much on my own success. I think it’s just important to help others not to make the same mistakes I did. So that the mega digital dream can become reality for many.

Have fun on my blog!

Oh and please don’t take me too seriously when I tend to ‘scream’ or when I randomly insult myself or others, or when I say that I’m an incredible super hero – it’s all just a joke and my way of being/ writing. ? If you don’t have a sense of humor you should probably leave.

Thanks for reading and btw you can also listen to almost all of my posts here.


PS: Just to state the obvious, I get small commissions for things you order through links on my blog. That’s exactly why I’ve made it my mission to not recommend junk to you, but only stuff I stand 100% behind and tried/ tested myself. I refuse to be like every other marketer online and simply promote the newest hype.


What’s next?

Step 1: Subscribe to megadigitaldream. I will walk you through my story and deliver content you will never forget in your life. EVER. ??

However I DON’T want everyone on this newsletter. It’s truly special and only for a specific type of person. Therefore PLEASE watch this video first to find out if this is for you or not.

I’m not joking. WATCH the video to find out if a subscription to my newsletter is the right choice:


After you have watched the video:

Step 2: Close this website if you have subscribed above. Because you can now sit back and I deliver everything which is important and way more than that to your inbox.

Step 3: Read and find out more about my story if you haven’t subscribed:

Everything you can find on this website is great but these three posts summarize what I’m about pretty good. ? Be aware: You need some humor for this…
And don’t just read it. Understand it! LEARN from my mistakes! Please…

Step 4: Leave a comment somewhere on my blog and say how awesome Tobi is and how it is your dream to be like him. (just kidding, don’t cancel me! ☹️ #freetobi) But for real I see in my statistics that most people are just reading without saying a word, don’t be shy and say ‘Hi’ to your good old internet friend you don’t even know. ?